6 Thanksgiving Side Dishes to Enjoy with Tamales!

Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means it’s time to gather your friends and family, and celebrate with a plate of Delia’s tamales! Did you know that our tamales pair well with traditional thanksgiving sides? It’s true! We would like to recommend six Thanksgiving side dishes you can eat along with your favorite tamales!

Corn Tamales and Roasted Carrots

Instead of cornbread, opt for our corn tamales with a side of roasted carrots! This side dish adds a touch of warmth to any dinner table! Don’t forget to season them with balsamic vinegar, salt, and black pepper!

Bean Tamales and Macaroni and Cheese

Our bean tamales are perfect with a side of mac and cheese! Cook up your favorite macaroni pasta alongside your favorite cheeses, like sharp cheddar and parmesan!

Spicy Pork Tamales and Mashed Potatoes

Grab some potatoes, mash them, and enjoy alongside a platter of spicy pork tamales! You can use a variety of potatoes, herbs, butter, and spices to give them a unique flavor.

Veracruzano Tamales and Brussel Sprouts

Our Veracruzano tamales go great with roasted Brussel sprouts. These tamales are wrapped in banana leaves and stuffed with either chicken or pork. Don’t forget to roast your Brussel sprouts with olive oil, chili sauce, garlic, and lime, for a kick!

Chicken and Cheese Tamales and Green Bean Casserole

Our chicken and cheese tamales pair well with a traditional green bean casserole! Enjoy cheesy goodness with the taste of green beans, mushrooms, fried onions, and cream sauce!

Sweet Cream Cheese Tamales and Butternut Squash Soup

If you’re looking for treats more on the sweet side then try our yummy sweet cream cheese tamales with a side of butternut squash soup! Butternut squash soup can be made with your favorite soup vegetables and spices, such as rosemary, and sage!

Order Delia’s Online!

Send us a message online if you have any questions about our nationwide shipping for the holidays! Show us how you eat your tamales on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Use #DeliasTamales!



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