Shipping is Open for 2022!

We hope 2022 brings you prosperity and more tamales! As we recover from the holidays, we wish to thank all our new and loyal customers for your continuous support. We would like to remind you about our shipping options and tamale flavors you should try this year. Choose Any of Our Tamales We have a wide selection of flavors on... read more

FAQs About Pre-ordering Tamales

The holidays are in full swing, which means it’s time to plan and order your tamales for the family! Don't forget to purchase your tamales online if you want to send them as a gift to a loved one. We created a friendly list of frequently asked questions from our customers to help you pre-order your tamales today! Can I... read more

5 Delicious Side Dishes to Pair with Our Savory Tamales!

At Delia’s, we proudly serve the best tamales at our seven locations in the Rio Grande Valley and San Antonio. Our menu includes a wide selection, like our famous chicken, pork, bean and cheese, sweet cream cheese, and Veracruzano tamales, to name a few. Although they’re delicious on their own, we’d like to suggest a few side dishes to pair... read more

Show Dad You Love Him on Father’s Day with Some Tamales from Delia’s!

No matter what comes your way in life, you can always count on Dad to lend you a helping hand. So, why not celebrate your love and appreciation for him on Father’s Day with some tamales from Delia’s? It’ll be a grand gift, just like he deserves. And above all, it’ll be delicious! We’ve Got You Covered At Delia’s, we... read more

Not From South Texas? No Problem Because Delia’s Ships Tamales to You!

Photo courtesy of April Reyes on Facebook. Do you ever get that craving for traditional, made-with-love, nothing-but-fresh-ingredient tamales? It can hit you during cold winter months, in the middle of the summer, or right before a huge family celebration.  For most people in South Texas and San Antonio, they can simply visit one of our locations to scratch that itch!... read more

A Graduation Celebration to Remember with Our Tamales!

High school and college graduations are often a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should always be enjoyed. Each year, students from around the nation experience the excitement of the stage, the walk, the hat toss, and the post-graduation celebrations. Of course, food plays a big role in such a big day, so what better meal to mark the occasion than with Delia’s?... read more

Make Mother’s Day an Amazing One with Tamales from Delia’s

Mom makes life easier every day of the week, so why not take this Mother’s Day as the opportunity to show her just how much she means to you? If you have the spa day booked, the gifts wrapped, and the flowers ready to go, then let Delia’s take care of the food because Mom deserves the best, and you’ll... read more

Day Tripping with a Plate Full of Our Delicious Tamales!

Texas is filled with beautiful cities, towns, plains, and more, which makes it easy to pick a destination, drive out, and make a relaxing day trip out of it! Whether you’re with a couple of friends, family, a significant other, or even alone, a nice trip can be an amazing experience, and what better way to spend it than with... read more

Celebrate National Tamale Day on March 23rd with Delia’s!

From birthdays to holidays, we celebrate the occasions that bring us closer together and allow us to spend time with those who mean the most. With that said, start gearing up for National Tamale Day on March 23rd when people across the nation will come together to celebrate Mexico’s gift to the world! Yes, we mean tamales! Delia’s will certainly... read more

If You Reside Outside of the Rio Grande Valley, Order Our Tamales Online!

Delia’s has a beautiful and rich history in South Texas that spans almost 30 years. When our first location in South McAllen opened, no one could’ve ever imagined just how far the traditional tastes of tamales would go. Now, with our first location outside the RGV in San Antonio, Delia’s is making its way to even more plates. That’s even... read more

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