Which Tamale Will be San Antonio’s Favorite?

This past week, Delia’s opened its first location outside of the Rio Grande Valley in San Antonio! That’s right! The grand     hjnopening was far more popular than we imagined! Early in the morning, a line made up of dozens of cars had already formed, showing that even in San Antonio, Delia’s is going to be a hit! We’re so excited by the reception, but one question remains: which tamale will San Antonio call its favorite? 

A Tasty Tamale for Even the Pickiest Palates

In the beginning, tamales were cooked in hot ashes by the Aztecs and included fillings you probably wouldn’t recognize today! Perhaps the only thing that hasn’t changed since those times is how labor-intensive tamale-making can be. At Delia’s, we put in the work to make delicious and filling tamales so you don’t have to! In fact, we put in so much time and effort that we’ve developed a long list of tamale varieties for you to enjoy:

  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Chicken and cheese
  • Cream cheese and jalapeño
  • Spicy chicken
  • Spicy chicken and cheese
  • Chicken cooked in green sauce
  • Chicken and cheese cooked in green sauce
  • Spicy pork
  • Bean
  • Bean and jalapeno
  • Bean and cheese
  • Bean, cheese, and jalapeño
  • Sweet cream cheese
  • Veracruzano pork

There’s a tamale for the beef lovers, the cheese enthusiasts, and even those with dietary restrictions. So, with so many options, which one will become San Antonio’s favorite?

Get Your Tamales in San Antonio!

At Delia’s, we’re eternally grateful and proud to offer a product we’re so proud of to San Antonio! If you reside anywhere in the United States and want to try our delicious tamales, then order them online! Otherwise, contact us for more info!

5 Responses to “Which Tamale Will be San Antonio’s Favorite?”

  1. Sylvia Leal

    I’m so happy you now have a San Antonio location. I now only have to drive 3 1/2 hours. I drove yesterday with my Grandson to pick up Tamales for my family and friends. Everyone was so happy when we made it home. The best Tamales!!!
    Thank you

  2. Tried your tamales for the first time yesterday, they are absolutely delicious. No one in San Antonio makes the chicken and cheese and the consensus in my house was definitely the chicken and cheese first. We look forward to trying the others. I have already told about 10 people about your place on 1604 and Hausman Pass. I will return soon with another order and also get some for the family members that can’t get out and try them.
    Will you consider building one on the Northeast side of San Antonio?

    Thanks so much for coming to San Antonio😊😊😊

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